The top level directory layout is as follows:
├── build -- where the build is placed
├── cmake -- top level project specific CMake files
├── copying -- licensing information
├── docs -- this documentation
├── engine -- engine
├── plugins -- plug-ins
└── swig -- SWIG output
The speect/engine/ directory layout is as follows:
├── cmake -- engine specific CMake files
├── config -- files that will be configured during build time
├── examples -- some examples
├── src -- engine source files
├── swig -- engine SWIG files
└── tests -- some tests
The directory layout of Speect Engine, speect/engine/src/source, follows the system architecture:
├── base -- base system provides low level modules (all non object-oriented)
│ ├── containers -- abstract data types (lists, buffers, hash tables)
│ ├── errdbg -- error handling and debugging
│ ├── log -- logging system
│ ├── objsystem -- generic object system
│ ├── strings -- UTF-8 string handling (character, string, printing and regular expressions)
│ ├── threads -- platform independent concurrency abstraction
│ └── utils -- utilities (memory, byte-swapping, time, types, versioning, math and path)
├── containers -- containers (map, list)
├── datasources -- data sources
├── hrg -- heterogeneous relation graphs (HRGs)
├── include -- system definitions and macros
├── main -- main entry point for library
├── pluginmanager -- plug-in manager
├── serialization -- data serialization
└── voicemanager -- voice manager and voice interface
The speect/plugins directory layout is as follows:
├── acoustic -- acoustic specific plug-ins
│ ├── audio -- low-level audio access abstraction
│ ├── cost_functions -- unit selection acoustic cost functions
│ ├── unit_db -- unit selection database abstraction (interface)
│ ├── wave_generation -- waveform generation algorithms
│ └── window_functions -- DSP window functions
├── cmake -- plug-ins specific CMake files
├── config -- files that will be configured during build time
├── languages -- language specific implementations (syllabification, ...)
├── linguistic -- linguistic specific plug-ins
│ ├── addendum -- addendum abstraction (interface)
│ ├── cost_functions -- unit selection linguistic cost functions
│ ├── g2p -- grapheme-to-phoneme abstraction (interface)
│ ├── lexicon -- lexicon abstraction (interface)
│ ├── phoneset -- phoneset abstraction (interface)
│ └── syllabification -- syllabification abstraction (interface)
├── processors -- processor implementations
│ ├── features -- feature processor implementations
│ └── utterances -- utterance processor implementations
├── serialization -- data serialization
│ ├── files -- file serialization (utterance, g2p, audio, ...)
│ ├── formats -- format implementations (EBML, ... )
│ └── objects -- object serialization (arrays, Speect objects, ...)
├── template -- plug-in template
└── utils -- utilities
├── arrays -- array implementations (float, int)
├── cost_function -- unit selection cost function abstraction (interface)
├── matrices -- matrices implementation (float, int)
├── tokenizer -- simple string tokenizer
├── tracks -- track implementation
└── viterbi -- viterbi implementation
Each plug-in implementation is in its own directory. There is always an abstract class that defines the class methods or interface and then implementations of that class or interface. For example, the g2p interface is in located in speect/plugins/linguistic/g2p, and then there is also a g2p implementation located at speect/plugins/serialization/files/g2p_rewrites which implements the g2p interface as a g2p rewrites type where the rules are read from a file. Another example is where the unit selection cost functions class (which defines the class and the methods or interface for cost functions) is defined in speect/plugins/utils/cost_function while the cost function implementation to calculate the cost of the number of syllables of a unit is in speect/plugins/linguistic/cost_functions/num_syls.
The Speect Engine defines classes for the utterance and feature processors, therefore no plug-ins are required to define these and there are only implementations defined, see for example the speect/plugins/processors/features/nlp directory which is given below:
├── hts_labels
├── phrase_num_syls
├── phrase_num_words
├── phrase_pos_utt
├── phrase_pos_utt_rev
├── segment_duration
├── segment_end
├── segment_mid
├── segment_name_multilingual
├── segment_phoneset_feature
├── segment_pos_syl
├── segment_pos_syl_rev
├── segment_start
Most of these directories contain one implementation of a feature processor (NLP processors in this case), except where it might be natural to group them together, for example the speect/plugins/processors/features/nlp/hts_labels directory which contains directories of different HTS label feature processor implementations.