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Building and Installing Speect

This document describes how to install Speect from source in a new location and customize that installation.


In order to compile Speect you will need the following:


To build the Python bindings you will need:
To include the HMM-based synthesis plug-ins for the HTS Engine:

Configuration and Compilation

CMake must be run to generate a build system for Speect. CMake provides both a command-line tool and interactive interfaces. Advanced users may wish to use the command-line tool but here we document the CMake interactive interface.

With Speect the build system is placed in a separate tree (known as an out-of-source build) to the source tree. It is preferable to do an out-of-source build so that your source tree remains unchanged. An in-source build puts generated files in your source tree, and can sometimes lead to unwanted behaviour if you forget to clean the source tree after you have made changes to the code. With an out-of-source build you can just delete the whole tree. Also an out-of-source build makes it easy to have multiple builds with different configurations sharing the same source tree. Once a single in-source build has been created it is the only build tree that can be associated with that source tree. The default directory to place different builds is speect/build.

CMake can be run from the command line on these platforms, or you can use the CMake graphical interface (cmake-gui) if you have it installed. The current working directory should be set to the desired binary tree location in which the build system should be generated. CMake will usually choose the system C compiler automatically but it can be told to use specific compilers through the CC environment variable.

A typical build for Speect looks like this:

$ ls -d speect
$ cd speect/build
$ ccmake ../
$ make

The ccmake tool is a curses-based dialog that may be used to interactively configure Speect. When it appears press c on the keyboard to run the initial configuration of the Speect build system. Eventually a set of configuration options will appear. These may be edited using the arrow-keys and the ENTER key for navigation. See below (Configuration Options in CMake) for details on the meaning of each of these options.

Once the options have been set as desired press c again to reconfigure. New options may appear when earlier options are adjusted. Keep adjusting options and pressing c until the desired configuration is reached. Finally press g to actually generate the build system. Now that the build system has been generated just run make or gmake to build Speect.

Alternatively one can pass CMake all the desired options through the command line, for example:

$ ls -d speect
$ cd speect/build
$ cmake ../ -DERROR_HANDLING=off -DHTS_ENGINE_INCLUDE_104=/path/to/hts/include \
$ make


The ccmake curses dialog is the most commonly used interactive interface for CMake on UNIX-like platforms, so these instructions assume it is available. Some system administrators may not have installed curses in which case ccmake will not be available. On these platforms one may use the command cmake -i in place of ccmake and follow the on-screen instructions to configure Speect. See the CMake documentation for further details.

Configuration Options in CMake

Several configuration options are available to customize the Speect build system. These options are configured through an interactive CMake interface as described above. Note that not all options are available on all platforms, and some options are available only when other options are set to a particular value.

The interactive CMake interface provides brief documentation for every option. Some options have more meaning than can be described in one sentence, so additional documentation is provided here.


Speect can be used from the build tree or it can be installed. When using the Speect Python bindings from the build tree one needs to tell Python where to find Speect. This is done by adding the speect/build/swig/python path to the PYTHONPATH environment variable.

Installing Speect from a source distribution requires first that it be compiled in a build tree. See the Configuration and Compilation section above for details. Once Speect has been compiled in a build tree one may build the install target to actually put Speect in an installation tree. If Speect was built using a CMake Makefile generator then this is done by running make install from the top of the build tree. The installation process will install all files in a directory structure rooted at the directory specified by CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX.


The make install command has an option to specify a destination directory (DESTDIR = ”...”) on the command line or through an environment variable. If DESTDIR is specified then Speect needs the environment variable SPCT_PLUGIN_PATH set to the DESTDIR/CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/speect/plugins directory to be able to find the plug-ins (see default plug-in path).

The Python wrappers are installed using distutils as follows:

$ cd speect/build/swig/python
$ python install