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SMap containers are the Speect Engine equivalent of the Python dict type. The Python SMap class is just an interface to the Speect Engine C SMap type. Python SMap objects can not be instantiated, however, it can be a return value of certain functions or class attributes (for example SVoice.features).

class speect.SMap

A map class, an abstract data type composed of a collection of unique keys (strings) and a collection of values, where each key is associated with one value.


The SMap object inherits from SObject in the Speect Engine and can therefore be used in functions/methods that require parameters of type SObject.


SMap supports the following Python dict operations:


Return the number of items in the map m.


Return the item of m with key key. Raises a KeyError if key is not in the map.

m[key] = value

Set m[key] to value.

del m[key]

Remove m[key] from m. Raises a KeyError if key is not in the map.

key in m

Return True if m has a key key, else False.

key not in m

Equivalent to not key in m.

for key in m

SMap also supports the Python iterator protocol and therefore one can iterate over a map’s keys.


SMap supports the Python method __str__() and can therefore be used in the str() built-in function and by the print statement to compute the “informal” string representation of the map.




Get the raw SObject value in the map that is associated with the given key. This function can be used in place of the normal:


The reason for this is that the above will try to convert the returned value into a Python object if possible. Sometimes we want the value as a Speect object. So instead we can use this function:


which will return the value object as it is in Speect, i.e. an SObject.

Parameters:key (str) – The key of the key-value pair to get.
Returns:The value associated with the given key or None if no such key-value pair.
Return type:SObject