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SUtteranceClass Structure

speect class SUtteranceClass

The SUtteranceClass structure.

Protected Attributes
SObjectClass _inherit

Inherit from SObjectClass.

const SVoice *(*const voice)(const SUtterance *self, s_erc *error)

Voice function pointer.

Get the voice that the given utterance is associated with.

  • self

    The given utterance.

  • error

    Error code.


Pointer to the voice.

SRelation *(*const new_relation)(SUtterance *self, const char *name, s_erc *error)

NewRelation function pointer.

Create a new named relation in given utterance. Creates a relation, initializes it (SRelationInit), and sets it in the utterance (SUtteranceClass function pointer set_relation).

  • self

    The given utterance.

  • name

    The new relation’s name.

  • error

    Error code.


Pointer to newly created relation.

const SRelation *(*const get_relation)(const SUtterance *self, const char *name, s_erc *error)

GetRelation function pointer.

Return the named relation.

  • self

    The given utterance.

  • name

    The name of the relation to return.

  • error

    Error code.


Pointer to named relation.

void(*const set_relation)(SUtterance *self, SRelation *rel, s_erc *error)

SetRelation function pointer.

Set the named relation in the given utterance.

  • self

    The utterance.

  • rel

    The relation to set in the utterance.

  • error

    Error code.


The relation must have a name, and will be set in the utterance with this name. If a relation with the same name already exists in the utterance then it will be deleted.

void(*const del_relation)(SUtterance *self, const char *name, s_erc *error)

DelRelation function pointer.

Delete the named relation.

  • self

    The given utterance.

  • name

    The name of the relation to delete.

  • error

    Error code.

s_bool (*const have_relation)(const SUtterance *self, const char *name, s_erc *error)

HaveRelation function pointer.

Query the presence of a named relation.

  • self

    The given utterance.

  • name

    The name of the relation.

  • error

    Error code.


TRUE if found, else FALSE.

SList *(*const relations_keys)(const SUtterance *self, s_erc *error)

RelationKeys function pointer.

Get the keys of the relations in the given utterance.

  • self

    The given utterance.

  • error

    Error code.


Pointer to a SList containing the keys of the relations of the utterance. The list objects (keys) are string objects and are accessed with SObjectGetString.


Caller is responsible for the memory of the returned SList object.