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SItem Structure

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SItemClass Structure

speect class SItemClass

The SItemClass structure.

Protected Attributes
SObjectClass _inherit

Inherit from SObjectClass.

SItem *(*const item_as)(const SItem *self, const char *relation, s_erc *error)

ItemAs function pointer Find the item in the given relation that has the same shared content as the given item.

  • self

    The item.

  • relation

    The relation name.

  • error

    Error code.


The given item as it is represented in the named relation.

s_bool (*const item_in)(const SItem *self, const char *relation, s_erc *error)

ItemIn function pointer Query if the given item is in the named relation.

  • self

    The item.

  • relation

    The relation.

  • error

    Error code.


TRUE if item is in relation else FALSE.

SItem *(*const item_next)(const SItem *self, s_erc *error)

ItemNext function pointer Get the item next to the given one in the current relation.

  • self

    The item.

  • error

    Error code.


Pointer to the next item.

SItem *(*const item_prev)(const SItem *self, s_erc *error)

ItemPrev function pointer Get the item previous to the given one in the current relation.

  • self

    The item.

  • error

    Error code.


Pointer to the prev item.

SItem *(*const item_append)(SItem *self, const SItem *toShare, s_erc *error)

ItemAppend function pointer Create a new item and append it after the given item self.

The new item will share it’s content with the given item toShare.

  • self

    The given item.

  • toShare

    The item with which the newly created item will share it’s content. If NULL then a new content will be created for the appended item.

  • error

    Error code.


Pointer to appended item.

SItem *(*const item_prepend)(SItem *self, const SItem *toShare, s_erc *error)

ItemPrepend function pointer Create a new item and prepend it before the given item self.

The new item will share it’s content with the given item toShare.

  • self

    The given item.

  • toShare

    The item with which the newly created item will share it’s content. If NULL then a new content will be created for the prepended item.

  • error

    Error code.


Pointer to prepended item.

SItem *(*const item_parent)(const SItem *self, s_erc *error)

ItemParent function pointer Returns the parent item of the given item.

  • self

    The given item.

  • error

    Error code.


Pointer to the parent item of the given item.

SItem *(*const item_daughter)(const SItem *self, s_erc *error)

ItemDaughter function pointer Retrieve the first daughter item of the given item.

  • self

    The given item.

  • error

    Error code.


Pointer to the first daughter item of the given item.

SItem *(*const nth_daughter)(const SItem *self, uint32 n, s_erc *error)

ItemNth function pointer Retrieve the nth daughter item of the given item.

  • self

    The given item.

  • n

    The index of the daughter item to return.

  • error

    Error code.


Indexing starts at 0.


Pointer to the nth daughter item of the given item.

SItem *(*const last_daughter)(const SItem *self, s_erc *error)

LastDaughter function pointer Retrieve the last daughter item of the given item.

  • self

    The given item.

  • error

    Error code.


Pointer to the last daughter item of the given item.

SItem *(*const add_daughter)(SItem *self, const SItem *toShare, s_erc *error)

AddDaughter function pointer Create a new item and add it as a daughter of the given item self.

The new item will share it’s content with the given item toShare.

  • self

    The given item.

  • toShare

    The item with which the newly created item will share it’s content. If NULL then a new content will be created for the daughter item.

  • error

    Error code.


Pointer to newly added daughter item.

const char *(*const get_name)(const SItem *self, s_erc *error)

GetName function pointer Get the given item’s name.

  • self

    The given item.

  • error

    Error code.


Pointer to the given item’s name.

void(*const set_name)(SItem *self, const char *name, s_erc *error)

SetName function pointer Set the given item’s name.

  • self

    The given item.

  • name

    The name of the item.

  • error

    Error code.

s_bool (*const feat_present)(const SItem *self, const char *name, s_erc *error)

FeatPresent function pointer Query if named feature is present in the given item.

  • self

    The given item.

  • name

    The feature name.

  • error

    Error code.


TRUE if present or FALSE if not.

void(*const feat_delete)(SItem *self, const char *name, s_erc *error)

FeatDelete function pointer Delete the named feature from the given item.

  • self

    The given item.

  • name

    The feature name.

  • error

    Error code.

SList *(*const feat_keys)(const SItem *self, s_erc *error)

FeatKeys function pointer Get the keys of the features of the given item.

  • self

    The given item.

  • error

    Error code.


Pointer to a SList containing the keys of the features of the item. The list objects (keys) are string objects and are accessed with SObjectGetString.


Caller is responsible for the memory of the returned SList object.

const SObject *(*const get_object)(const SItem *self, const char *name, s_erc *error)

GetObject function pointer Get the SObject object of the named feature of the given item.

  • self

    The given item.

  • name

    The feature name.

  • error

    Error code.


Pointer to the SObject object.

sint32 (*const get_int)(const SItem *self, const char *name, s_erc *error)

GetInt function pointer Get the integer value of the named feature of the given item.

  • self

    The given item.

  • name

    The feature name.

  • error

    Error code.


Integer value of named feature.

float(*const get_float)(const SItem *self, const char *name, s_erc *error)

GetFloat function pointer Get the float value of the named feature of the given item.

  • self

    The given item.

  • name

    The feature name.

  • error

    Error code.


Float value of named feature.

const char *(*const get_string)(const SItem *self, const char *name, s_erc *error)

GetString function pointer Get the string value of the named feature of the given item.

  • self

    The given item.

  • name

    The feature name.

  • error

    Error code.


Pointer to the string.

void(*const set_object)(SItem *self, const char *name, const SObject *object, s_erc *error)

SetObject function pointer Set the named feature to the given SObject object in the given item.

  • self

    The given item.

  • name

    The feature name.

  • obejct

    The SObject.

  • error

    Error code.

void(*const set_int)(SItem *self, const char *name, sint32 i, s_erc *error)

SetInt function pointer Set the named feature to the given integer value.

  • self

    The given item.

  • name

    The feature name.

  • i

    The integer value.

  • error

    Error code.

void(*const set_float)(SItem *self, const char *name, float f, s_erc *error)

SetFloat function pointer Set the named feature to the given float value.

  • self

    The given item.

  • name

    The feature name.

  • f

    The float value.

  • error

    Error code.

void(*const set_string)(SItem *self, const char *name, const char *string, s_erc *error)

SetString function pointer Set the named feature to the given string value.

  • self

    The given item.

  • name

    The feature name

  • string

    The string value.

  • error

    Error code.

const SRelation *(*const relation)(const SItem *self, s_erc *error)

Relation function pointer Get the relation of the given item.

  • self

    The given item.

  • error

    Error code.


Pointer to the given item’s relation.

const SUtterance *(*const utterance)(const SItem *self, s_erc *error)

Utterance function pointer Get the utterance of the given item.

  • self

    The given item.

  • error

    Error code.


Pointer to the given item’s utterance.

const SVoice *(*const voice)(const SItem *self, s_erc *error)

Voice function pointer Get the voice of the given item.

  • self

    The given item.

  • error

    Error code.


Pointer to the given item’s voice.